The aim of these events is to discuss realities, revisit the Paris Climate Agreement in a critical way, host panel discussions, network and build partnerships.
Online event
You can get tickets on Eventbrite
Date And Time:
Tue, September 28, 2021
6:00 PM-7:30 PM BST
Lord Stewart Wood, Chair UNA-UK Board of Directors, a Member of the House of Lords, Lecturer at the University of Oxford, a Fellow of Magdalen College, previous No. 10 Adviser, Director at the Good Law Project .
Keynote Address for Opening "From Paris to COP26"
Robin Attfield, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Cardiff University
''Climate Justice'':
Climate justice concerns fairness between the different parties affecting or affected by the climate. These parties are not confined to the human beings currently alive in different parts of the world, important as these are. Its scope also extends to future generations and to creatures of other living species.
Climate justice is shown to involve urgent action on climate mitigation, and urgent measures to adapt to the climate change that is by now irreversible, and to finance these measures.
Adriana Erthal Abdenur, Executive Director, Plataforma CIPÓ (Brazil).
"Enhancing civil society participation in international climate decision-making: perspectives from the Global South":
Making global governance more inclusive, transparent and fair has emerged as one of the main calls by civil society, both during and in the aftermath of the UN 75th anniversary commemoration. As the impacts of climate change are felt more acutely around the world and as the topic moves center-stage in the international agenda, the need to assure that the principles of inclusiveness, transparency and fairness are met in the main negotiating and implementation spaces has become more urgent. As the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where the parties meet to assess progress in dealing with climate change, the Conference of the Parties (COP) is a strategic space for civil society participation. What are the main channels and gaps for meaningful participation, and what can be done to enhance them? Drawing on the experience of Global South activists, a series of recommendations are made on how to broaden and deepen the role of civil society in international climate spaces.
Twitter: @plataformacipo, @aabdenur and @mfolly
Instagram: @PlataformaCIPO
Facebook and Linkedin: Plataforma CIPÓ
HRH Princess Angelique Monét, UN ESCOSOC Consultative and Only Global Advocate Peace Princess.
"Gender and Climate Justice"
“Leadership is not planned. It’s normally something you’re so passionate about that you become a leader because of consistency, dedication, sacrifice and hard work. As we are in unprecedented times and it is these times we must have hope, and courage as we become a New Generation In Action of Leaders. have the ability to play our part in addressing climate crisis and gender.”