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Edinburgh World Justice Festival: Edinburgh CND


Edinburgh World Justice Festival 2019 runs from 28th September to 19th October. The Festival will include many events throughout the week. To check out the full programme visit:

One event to keep an eye out is Edinburgh CND main meeting on 1st October with Alex Lockwood, author of the novel ‘The Chernobyl Privileges’ (available to purchase at the talk) and Rob Edwards (Environmental Journalist, for a discussion of what we can learn about the dangers of nuclear power and to debate the ongoing presence of nuclear weapons on Scottish soil at HMNB Clyde. Especially topical given the likelihood of reopening the Hunterston B nuclear power reactor. Please give this important event publicity and encourage your friends and colleagues to attend.

Specific Event Details:

From Chernobyl to Faslane: the nuclear emergency

Tuesday 1 October, 7pm to 9pm at Quaker Meeting House, Edinburgh Discussion about the dangers of nuclear power and to debate the ongoing presence of nuclear weapons on Scottish soil.

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