In recent comments shared by Janet Fenton, from Words and Actions for Peace (WandA4P), ICAN, SCND, WILPF, Secure Scotland, Peace & Justice Scotland, AIDD, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon shared the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's opposition to nuclear weapons:
Nicola Sturgeon said: “I share the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s (WILPF) opposition to nuclear weapons – they are morally, strategically and economically wrong."
"They are indiscriminate and devastating in their impacts; their use would bring unspeakable humanitarian suffering and widespread environmental damage. The Scottish Government is firmly opposed to the possession, threat and use of nuclear weapons and we are committed to pursuing the safe and the complete withdrawal of all nuclear weapons from Scotland."
“While the Scottish Government is unable to become a Party to the Treaty, as First Minister I strongly support the principles of the Treaty and the work of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. An independent Scotland would be a keen signatory and I hope the day we can do that is not far off."
To read more about the work of WILPF, click here.
To read more about the work of Words and Actions for Peace (WandA4P), click here.
To learn about the work of UN House Scotland's Nuclear Disarmament team, click here.