
UN House Scotland
Oct 25, 20201 min read
UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons reaches 50 ratifications needed for entry into force
Picture above taken from

Jun 12, 20181 min read
POP: Nuclear Prohibition Treaty
Since its passing in July 2017, 59 nations have signed the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and 10 nations have ratified...

Samantha Ku
May 7, 20185 min read
Reflections on NPT2018
Last week, I attended the first week of the 2018 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Preparatory Committee at the United Nations Office in...

Samantha Ku
Feb 27, 20182 min read
Edinburgh Preparative Conference on WMDFZ in the Middle East
First group photo of the Edinburgh Preparative Conference at the Edinburgh City Chambers with the Deputy Lord Provost. From 23-25 January...

Dec 27, 20171 min read
UNHS Celebrates ICAN Nobel Prize
On 8 December, 2017, UNHS hosted "Peace is the Prize", a celebration of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapon's (ICAN)...

Dec 13, 20173 min read
Belgian Prime Minister and Former NATO Sec-Gen Endorse Nuclear Ban
This week, Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme and former NATO Secretary General Willy Claes published a joint op-ed showing support for...

Simen Jordsmyr
Oct 10, 20173 min read
Nukewatch Warns of Nuclear Weapons Convoys Threat
The network Nukewatch concluded that Scotland is not ready for the event of a serious accident involving a nuclear weapons convoy on its...

UN House Scotland
Sep 26, 20171 min read
First 50 Signatories to the Prohibition Treaty
As of today, 26 September 2017, over 50 countries have signed the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. UNHS congratulates...

Gari Donn
Sep 21, 20172 min read
Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons signed at UN
We live in exciting times - not least because the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons has been signed at the UN! On Wednesday 20 September...

Dagmar Medeiros
Jul 12, 20172 min read
Reports from New York- Nuclear Weapons Ban
Friday, 7 July, gave everyone cause for celebration, not just because it was finally the weekend, but because the United Nations adopted...