On 5 th December 2019, UNHS held their recent awareness event at Edinburgh University: Zero Hunger. Shannon McCracken – one of our UNHS interns – led the event aiming to highlight the issues of food security and hunger in Scotland. “These issues are more prominent than you would probably think,” Shannon voiced; explaining why it was important to hold the event so close to Christmas – the holiday of giving.
For Zero Hunger, UNHS collaborated with the renowned high-street food companies Starbucks, Pret A Manger and Franco Manca. The businesses each played their part in supporting the campaign by providing warming cups of coffee and snacks for the chilly winter day. It is important to show the support of popular food businesses when addressing these issues. With their recognizable profile, our message can have further outreach. Although Scotland forms a developed economy, hunger could affect any one of us. During 2016-17, over 46,000 children had to use food banks in Scotland, according to figures from the Trussell Trust. As Shannon points out, it is time to stop trivializing food security. “These issues are typically marginalized in Scotland and they should be addressed.”
Zero Hunger gained a positive response for UNHS. As with the other important causes at UNHS, Shannon’s successful planning has given Zero Hunger a new platform. She has been a key volunteer within the organisation since September and sums up this experience as “honest” and “inspiring.” Working for an NGO has been something Shannon always hoped to do. She hopes that others will follow in her footsteps, not only with UNHS but with volunteering as a whole. “Absolutely get involved if you have the time and the resources because it’s going to help you in your personal skills and it’s going to help you see what’s going on in the community.” Shannon not only praises the work of the organisation but the members involved too. “It’s been a privilege and, in the future, I would love to keep involved.”
At UNHS, we hope more events are to follow the success of Zero Hunger. We wish Shannon the best of luck in her future plans to move back to California and apply for Law School.