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ICAN: UN General Assembly First Committee Starting Next Week


UN First Committee

As you may be aware, the UN General Assembly First Committee starts next week on Monday, October 7 and runs through November 8. Delegates will be delivering statements up until October 31 and they will be voting on resolutions from November 1-8. Civil society and governments will host events on the sidelines of the First Committee, including the launch of the 2019 Ban Monitor report from the Norwegian People's Aid on October 16.

ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) is trying to get as many positive references on the TPNW and on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons as possible in this year's statements and resolutions. You can help them calling on your government to support the TPNW and mention the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons in their statement to the First Committee. Specifically, ICAN is offering recommendations and some "quick facts" on the TPNW in their attached briefing paper that you can find here.

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